The province is a popular tourist destination with its beaches and resorts.The Chocolate Hills, numerous mounds of limestone formation, is the most popular attraction. Panglao Island, located just southwest of Tagbilaran City, is famous for its diving locations and routinely listed as one of the top ten diving locations in the world. Numerous tourist resorts dot the southern beaches and cater to divers from around the world. ThePhilippine Tarsier, considered the second-smallest primate in the world, is indigenous to the island.
I've been there once only, maybe two years ago. I was really excited to see the TARSIER..but when we arrived there, around 5 or 6am in the morning it was raining..all the excitement was ruined the moment I stepped down from the ship. what? how can I ever enjoy the tour when the weather is like this? oh! for the love of god! why rain now? :(
We proceeded directly to Bohol Plaza for our breakfast and we checked in. Bohol Plaza was located on the top, over looking Panglao Island..ugh! It was heaven. lol..^_^ No! seriously, the view was killing me..right after we refreshed ourselves, we went to different locations..(that time, I'm no longer in the mood..all I wanna do was to sleep in the bus, plus the tour guide was so irritates me) we stopped to some historical landmarks but me and my friend (Janine) decided not to go out anymore. We don't wanna get wet, you know? the sad part was..I wasn't able to take photos of the places we've been to :( My day was ruined with the rain :(
Pics here..

This photo was taken on an early morning..leaving Bohol mode. ^_^ I wasn't able to take much pictures of the hotel because after the party on that night we arrived, I was tired and decided to sleep early and ignored the "night swimming" activity. lol
Inside Baclayon Church
The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in Baclayon is considered to be one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. It is one of the best preserved Jesuit build churches in the region, although in the 19th century, the Augustinian Recollects added a modern facade and a number of stone buildings that now surround the church.
Loboc River Cruise
My best experience in Bohol was the river cruise..the food was yum yum yum! can't get enough of it. Plus, lots of tourist you can see around cruising..^_^
Note: you can't can't find a photo of me in Bohol's most proud "Chocolate Hills" because I stayed in the bus the whole time. duh! besides, why waste my time going up when I can see the scenery along the way? lol. Anyway, sorry about that. Also, as much as I wanted to take that man made forest they have, I can't because we did not stop there! hmp!
Cute cute cute Tarsier! uggggh!
Note: When taking a pic of a Tarsier, make sure your flash is turned off. gets?
Last stop! mall mall mall! shop shop shop! ^_^
Guess what?! this was the worst part of the trip, haha..we're scolded by our Instructor. We're late and the bus was waiting like a few whatever! ^____^
that's it..^___^