October 26, 2011

Why I'm Single: Reasons Wrap Up In One Post (I Love Being Single)

Sorry for the hiatus. And thank you everyone for all the votes. ^_^ although, I do not expect to win this thing anymore after my uncle told me he'll just give me $40 just for me to stop bugging him with all this voting stuff. So, I guess that's a good thing aye? 

Back to my topic =))

I am overwhelmed with all the comments you left me guys. For some reasons, I don't wanna mislead you. I guess I've been misleading you this whole time. I mean, I wasn't able to express the things that I really wanna say because I'm having hard time translating. Gosh! If only I listened to our instructors way back, I could have use that learning now. Proper use of words and grammars and all. 

But that's not the point, what I wanted to say is that, instead of stating the reasons why I'm single (which I'd like to end up now), I shifted to, why "ladies" around me are single. I did a survey (just my friends) and asked them one by one why they're single and so I came up with this idea. 

To end this whole thing up. *for me*
I'm single for a lot of reasons but the one on top of it, is that.."I Love Being Single"
Yes. I honestly love myself too much to share it with others (well, of course, the guy in Someone Like You is the only exception).

Although, I must admit, when I was in High School, my plan was to settle down at the age of 25 and now @26, everything changed. I realized, it's not it. I mean, I'd love to have a serious relationship but not now is not the right time yet. I still wanna be free as a bird and careless as a baby. And suddenly, I wanted to stay single as long as 35. haha. Sure, I'd love to hook up with guys too but now is not the right time also. Maybe when I get a job, a stable one and on my own, that's the time. 

I remember having this conversation with a guy friend. He asked me this.
Mai, do you have a boyfriend? Then, I answered, none.
Then he blurted, why? 
are you  lesbian? I was like, what the hell?! 
being single doesn't make a person gay or lesbian, for Pete's sake! why would he even think that? Oh no! Now I remember, he's not just the first who thought I am a lesbian. I guess I'm too cute to be one. I mean, C'mon, I am totally totally into guys. ^_^ I love guys. they're adorable and they're the only creatures that could kiss you like hell. hahaha! tada! I was just trying to light things up. hehe

Going back..

I'm single because guys just can't handle me. They don't like sticking with me because I'm too friendly with other guys and they hate that. Right? So, break up follows. ^_^ Also, I go out with girlfriends most of the time than with my boyfriend. ^_^ Plus, serious relationship freaks me out. Really. I'm more on a relationship that is open, no commitments and just purely for fun. That sucks for guys. Plus, again, I'm not sweet and not really a jealous type, they hate that too. Not really to mention that sometimes, life is unfair. I wanted to stop complaining on how bitter am I with guys who don't like me because they don't find me pretty, hot and all because, reality check, my friend dwizzt is right, it goes the same way to me. I have to admit, I look into physical appearance first before anything. But trust me, that only applies for a very short period of time. True love does not require physical beauty, but beyond. Besides, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. So, that's it. 

What else? I guess that's all. haha. 

Being single is way more fun than being in a relationship. ^_^

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