Hello once again dear bloggers :)
I hope everyone of you has so far a nice day/night. As for me, I've been just moping around. There's nothing much left to do since I did send my resume to every possible job I could apply to and I'm still waiting. Damn! I should have taken that one chance! Well, there's actually dvds to watch but my sister warned me firmly that we should watch it together, meaning? I'll have to wait whenever she's free. Imagine that?
Anyway, as I was saying in my previous post..
Yes. It wasn't me who gave birth :) I would never wanna imagine myself getting pregnant. I don't know why. I still didn't ask permission from my cousin but I'm still posting it anyway :) I will let her know later. hehe..
So, here's what happened since Friday..
Before my cousin confined herself in the hospital, we kinda roam around in the city first. We went to my aunt's office and Limketkai Mall, specifically in Missy Bon-Bon to eat some ice cream. yay..
This is Sean, my cousin's eldest son. |
After this, we went home and later on that afternoon or early evening, my cousin (Maggie) with my cousin (Ate Pia, the one who gave birth) picked me up and head up to the hospital. Maggie then went back home later that night and I was left to accompany Ate Pia over the night.
Ate doesn't want anyone to see her in that situation so, I did some trick and made her not so visible in this picture. HAHA! |
Remember that male nurse I mentioned? Yeah. The cute one? Yeah! I'm not sure if this pic will prove you right but in person? He really is cute. tsk. Hay. I should have ask his name!!! Damn it! HAHA!
He was checking my cousin's vital status if I'm not mistaken. He was supposed to be the one to put the dextrose on but my cousin was trembling the whole time (She was pretty scared with needles you know), so I guess he got scared and asked for a rescue then 3 female nurses enter the room and did the dextrose thingy.
Picture of my night (part of the challenge)
view from the window :) |
:( |
On a Saturday morning (picture of my morning),
low quality image since I've been using the front cam :) |
my cousin was scheduled to be in the operating room for C/S. But before that, they have to monitor the baby's heartbeat first at the pre-operating room. Guess what I've been doing there?
Yeah. I've been taking pics with this suit. LOL! |
Then, standby for a little while..
After more or less 2hours, she then gave birth to this little Angel..
Baby Seth Kean Alaric :) |
(",) |
..about to cry |
feeling relax :) |
Oh la la! I always wonder how miraculous it is to store a baby in a woman's belly :D I mean, c'mon? How his toes, fingers, eyes, nose, ears and everything else really do the formation or whatever. HAHA!
So, everything went well, by Sunday and Monday, she managed to move around already :) she even went downstairs (record center) to submit the birth certificate of Seth :)
that's the another male nurse-I got his name thru his name plate but I like more the other one. |
Then home :) This time, I got Maggie to take a picture of me and Seth :)
sweet child :) |
that's it! ^_^ Isn't it cool? I managed to put 3 challenges in one post? Somewhere I went, photo of my night and morning..HAHA! awesome :)
Wait. I should have taken a photo of me and that male nurse, aye? So I can have my challenge "A photo with a stranger" hmm..but I don't think it counts since he's not really a stranger after all. HAHA!
-gotta do some blog-hopping now :)