Beware of Misconceptions.Ü *MERELY*JÜST4FÜN*
Hello Dear Professors, Instructors, Teachers and Tutors :)
Did anyone of you ever wonder what they're doing (students) during long hour classes? hmm..let's see..^__^
Oops! Guess who's texting? |
Apparently, they're missing their boyfriends! haha (kiddin) Anyway, this is inevitable . No matter how many times our Instructors reminds us not to text nor use mobile phones inside the classrooms, trust me! nobody listens. (*wink)
See what others are doing while our Instructor was discussing.. |
Oh my! the first photo was actually taken before the discussion, so, not counted. Let's see the second one, that's Nereen, but that wasn't with Chef's Ryan's class. I think I took that yesterday at our event's class :) -My bad! sorry :D
On the left (bottom), that's Chef Ryan and on the right (bottom) that's Mae Claire. Do you know what she's doing? studying! haha! hmm..why don't you take a guess? :D
pang-award winning ni ang duha ka girls :D
Whoa! we should really make these two a role model, don't you think so? They're very serious in listening. haha! oh no! let me correct that-copying I mean. That's Dawn and Aiko. The Miscellaneous :) these are the girls from my class :) (L-R) Jilla, Sharisse and Mae Claire. On the top is Dawn Yvonne ^_^ and once again Sharisse :) They're just some of those girls who can't resist the flash of the camera :D oh! for the love of smiling..^_^
Surely I will miss these girls as we are going to bid goodbye anytime soon =(( But of course, before that, making memories so we can have something to look back to when the time comes is my top priority. ^__^
So I'm making history..^_^
Oh! by the way, while they're doing those stuff, I took these photos. hehe. Of course, I did copy what's written on the board (I'm a good student, remember?). Though sometimes, I need to be keen and you know focus but there's nothing wrong with-chilling right? (*wink) Ciao then! Enjoy ^_^ |