I finally got my diploma. la la la la la..^_^
All my sleepless nights of feasibility studies has finally paid off with this framed diploma in my hand given to me by our school president last Sunday. Yipeeee!
If you missed my hooding ceremony and baccalaureate mass (last Saturday) post, see it here-click me!
Hay! After 10 years of studying in college, 4 courses took into 4 different schools, Lourdes College finally became my Alma Mater and blah blah blah..
Okay, so, let's not go into details anymore. ^_^
Let me just do the usual.
My Sunday morning with my pretty neice-Xin2x :)
In school with Neil and Alexis..
Neil, Alexis and Me ;-) |
Block A: The Survivors :) |
where is Me? :) |
As I went up stage to get my hard-earned diploma ^_^
Graduates of 2012 :-)
Up Stage after the graduation ceremony. Time for picture taking. Oh! so crowded.
With Friends..
Nico, Janine and My family..
with my pretty sis and my handsome big bro! ^_^ |
still Friends..
with Biatch :)
look at us. O_O |
I will miss everyone for sure..
with my sister, father and uncle and my niece :D |
<end of photos>
This is a scheduled post. My apology for missing some posts everyone. I will catch up as soon as possible :D
Thank you!