March 16, 2012

Pre-Graduation Present ;-)

Oh! Thank God it's Friday :)

 So, it was yesterday when I got up late and was really late for school. When I was about to leave, I saw this thing..

 I thought it was my brother's (usually he'd brought up stuffs courtesy of their company) and I warned my sisters that if it was my brother's, they better keep their hands off that thing because I saw it first. lol. And I'm pretty confident that I can talk it out with my brother and could make him agree to just give it to me instead. 

When I went home that afternoon, he just told me "Mai, that's for you, from Joan (his fiance)" 

I was like..

what? really? I mean, seriously?

oh! that is so cool! O_O

So, it was really meant for me. I just can't believe it. I was practicing all the way how to convince him (my brother) to just give that planner to  me only to found out it was really meant for me. A gift! early present to be exact-for my graduation. 

oh! still can't get over it. haha!

anyway, here's a sneak peek of what's inside the planner. ^_^
It's awesome, isn't it? :D 

Oh! I so love presents.. Soooooooooooooo much!!!

Thank you  Joan! ^_^

that's all. gotta blog hop now :)

Happy weekend everyone!!!


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